作为一个Java或者Android开发者,有时候需要写脚本代码,经常性的为了如何写shell脚本查询各个命令的使用,以及shell的语法规则。 shell嘛毕竟不是一个高级语言,写起来对于不熟悉shell命令和语法的人来说确实很麻烦,但是不得不说shell的执行效率是非常高效的。如果你也遇到和我相同的问题,那么赶快转型Kotlin酣畅淋漓的写脚本吧。
Cronet is the networking stack of Chromium put into a library for use on mobile. This is the same networking stack that is used in the Chrome browser by over a billion people. It offers an easy-to-use, high performance, standards-compliant, and secure way to perform HTTP requests. Cronet has support for both Android and iOS. On Android, Cronet offers its own Java asynchronous API as well as support for the java.net.HttpURLConnection API. This document gives a brief introduction to using these two Java APIs.